28 November, 2023
‘Accident waiting to happen’ on Com. Flat Road
State Member for Glass House, Andrew Powell, has reiterated his concern about the ongoing lane closure on Kilcoy-Beerwah Road, after the one lane in question was closed in March 2022.

Mr Powell said vehicles often utilised Commissioners Flat Road to avoid the lights, which brought about a whole new set of problems.
Mr Powell recently met two residents on Commissioners Flat Road, to discuss the ramifications.
One of the residents said the traffic had “increased three-fold since the road was shut” and that there were a lot of unsuitable vehicles on the road.
Asked how she felt when coming out of the driveway, the resident said, “An accident waiting to happen.”
Mr Powell subsequently said Transport and Main Roads (TMR) Minister Mark Bailey “needs to sort it out with the federal government over the natural disaster funding, and get construction happening now”.
A spokesperson from TMR advised that the Kilcoy-Beerwah landslip repairs would be undertaken as part of a broader program of rectification work.
The spokesperson said construction across the program was expected to be undertaken during 2024.