6 September, 2024
Acing 130 years of tennis
Esk Tennis Club celebrated its 130th anniversary on Saturday, August 31, with an event that brought the community together for a day of fun and reflection.

Club President Ian Myles said that the day was a huge success, despite the warm weather.
“The only downside was it was damn hot, but apart from that, all the people enjoyed themselves,” he said.
“They had a great time on the tennis court and with the llamas, and the ice cream stand went really well.”
The event served as a reminder of the club’s rich history in the town of Esk, which was officially established in the 1840s.
“One hundred and thirty years is awesome, and we were really happy to be able to put it on,” Ian said.
“It’s unusual to be involved in something that’s been around for that period of time, so it was special to be able to do it for the community.”
The Somerset Mayor, Jason Wendt, and councillors of Esk honored the club’s century-long service by participating in the festivities.
The growth of the tennis club was made clear on the day, as Ian discovered that they had outgrown their current clubhouse.
“We realized during the celebration that we need a new clubhouse because the current one couldn’t fit everybody in it,” he said.
After celebrating the past, the club now looks towards its future, where it will continue to grow, much like the community it serves.
“We just keep on going,” Ian said.