

4 April, 2024

Anglicare connections

Feeling socially connected is important for older Queenslanders as it can reduce feelings of loneliness, provide independence, and create a sense of belonging and connection to the community and their peers.

Anglicare connections - feature photo

The emotional benefits of being socially and physically active can have a positive effect on physical health.

Anglicare Southern Queensland offers a range of engaging activities tailored to clients’ interests and abilities that are provided at day respite centres, social activities and groups, exercise and wellbeing classes and bus outings.

From live music and dancing, crafts and scenic drives; clients can connect with others and remain physically active while staying in their local area.

The services also enable carers to take a break and recharge their batteries with peace of mind; while giving clients the opportunity to spend their day in a way they enjoy, whether that is building friendships, participating activities or simply relaxing.

Anglicare Southern Queensland Group Manager Home and Community, Sue Montgomery, said it was important that carers take time out for themselves so they can continue to provide quality care to their loved ones.

“We can provide experienced qualified Anglicare staff , nursing and care support workers who will ensure the social, emotional, cultural and spiritual needs of the person you are caring for are met, with respect for their dignity, self-worth and individuality,” Ms Montgomery said.

A client’s family member said … “The respite centre gives mum what we cannot give – six hours of mental stimulation, time with people similar to herself in age and health, and a safe and happy environment where she feels and is, independent from us.”

“Regardless of the activity, we always have a tonne of fun and I go home feeling great,” says Kath, an Anglicare Southern Queensland Social Group client.

Anglicare Southern Queensland’s day respite, social support and lifestyle services are available to clients through a range of government funded packages and programmes, depending on your location and circumstances.

They also offer fee-for-service.

If you would like to find out more information about Anglicare’s social activities, outings and day respite services, how to access them, what funding support is available, or would like to have a chat about how they can support you and your loved one, please give them a call on 1300 610 610 or visit their website


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