22 October, 2024
Cabo cornhole craze
An American sport is taking Australia by storm, with Queensland’s largest cornhole championship having taken place on October 19 and 20 at the Big Fish Tavern in Caboolture.

Nearly thirty players from across the country came to play, including players from Melbourne, Sydney, Warwick, Toowoomba, and the Fraser Coast to compete in the full two-day event.
The sport works with each player having four bags filled with synthetic material, throwing them onto a cornhole board, aiming to get the bag to fall into the hole.
Players get one point if the bag lands on the board, three points if it falls into the hole, and zero points if it misses the board. The first person to score 21 points wins. Opposing players or teams can cancel each other's points, with the team with the higher score in an inning earning the difference in points.
Dean Drumm, who organised the event and has been developing the sport in the South East Queensland region for the past year and a half, said he hopes to make the sport “as big as it is in America,” where it’s a professional sport.
“I helped develop the Pine Rivers, Warwick, and Hervey Bay club, and now some guys have asked me to help develop one on Bribie, so it’s growing,” he said.
“People are curious, and they often don’t know about it until they see us playing. Once you start throwing the bags, the first time you hit the hole, you’re addicted.”
Mr Drumm has now registered the Queensland Cornhole Federation to create a website showing all the clubs across Queensland and events in Australia.
According to Mr Drumm, it’s a sport that attracts all ages and genders, with the current world champion being only sixteen years old.
The Caboolture Cornhole Club is the latest club formed, being created only two months ago at the Big Fish, meeting every Wednesday at 6 p.m.
For more information and to find a list of leagues, visit [](