11 December, 2024
Christmas Carnival fun
Kilcoy came alive with Christmas spirit on Saturday, December 7, as the Kilcoy Christmas Carnival Committee (KCCC) put on the annual Christmas Carnival.

With dancers, stalls, food trucks, entertainers, carolers, Santa and fireworks, the town came to life celebrating the festive season.
Even with the stinging sun, the street filled with families enjoying the carnival.
KCCC would like to thank everyone in the community for coming out and celebrating, as well as food trucks and market stalls, along with a huge heartfelt thanks to all of the local businesses who continue to sponsor the event, including the motel who opened rooms for performers to get ready.
“To all of our husbands, children and other helpers who come down at 9am to start the street setup and stayed back till midnight to shut pack up, thank you for always helping,” they said.