

22 August, 2024

Crossing progress

The much-anticipated upgrade to Youngs Crossing has passed a major milestone and is now in the final stage of the construction procurement process.

Crossing progress - feature photo

The tender for the construction of the new bridge and associated road works has been released, with submissions closing this month.

Subject to Moreton Bay Council approval, the successful contractor is expected to be appointed by the end of the year, with construction anticipated to begin in early 2025.

The new Youngs Crossing bridge and road is expected to be completed around September 2026, pending confirmation of the successful contractor’s construction plan.

Construction will involve the relocation of essential utility services, including water, sewer, telecommunications, and electricity, with the relocation of sewer and electricity infrastructure planned to occur until December 2024.

Youngs Crossing Road and Dayboro Road are expected to remain open to traffic during these works, and road users are urged to observe all signage and traffic directions along the route.

The intention is to maintain traffic access along Youngs Crossing Road as much as possible during construction.

The new bridge will be positioned slightly west of the existing road, allowing construction to be planned and staged to minimise temporary disruptions and route alterations.

For safety reasons, public access to Youngs Crossing Park and the waterhole will not be available during the construction of the new bridge and road.

Over the coming months, further geotechnical investigations will occur at selected locations along the alignment, and individual property owners will be contacted in advance should access be required by the project team.

Construction scheduling and staging are being developed as part of the procurement process, with a focus on managing environmental impacts, ensuring safe construction zones, and minimising impacts on road users.

More information about construction activities and timeframes will be available after the successful contractor is appointed later this year.

The Youngs Crossing upgrade will improve flood immunity, safety, and vehicle carrying capacity by upgrading the Dayboro Road intersection, increasing the left-turn capacity from Dayboro Road into Youngs Crossing Road, raising the central median island on Dayboro Road, creating on-road cycle lanes, and introducing a 60 km/h speed limit.

For more information, visit


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