19 September, 2023
Deception Bay SES named Unit of the Year
QUEENSLAND’S outstanding State Emergency Service (SES) volunteers were recognised at a state award ceremony in Brisbane last week.

The annual award ceremony marked the end of SES Week celebrations, which began on September 9.
The Commissioner’s Cup Award for Unit of the Year was won by Deception Bay SES Group.
In the previous financial year, SES volunteers conducted more than 92,000 hours in operational tasking and 330,000 hours in training, administration, public education, recruitment, fundraising and equipment maintenance.
Minister for Fire and Emergency Services, Mark Ryan, said an integral part of SES week is recognising and thanking volunteers for their ongoing service and dedication.
“The SES has thousands of dedicated volunteers who assist communities during adverse weather events,” he said.
“Our SES volunteers are outstanding for their hard work, commitment and professionalism, which is demonstrated many times a day.
“Time and time again they rise to the challenge, supporting not only Queenslander’s but communities right across Australia during times of need.”
QFES Commissioner, Greg Leach, said pur SES volunteers serve Queenslanders in their times of greatest need and for this we are extremely grateful.
“Many volunteers have demonstrated their commitment to their community, not over years but decades.
“Congratulations to the State award winners, and to all regional award winners recognised throughout the past week.
“I would like to thank our local government partners, our Principal Community Partner Suncorp, and other partners whose ongoing support allows the SES to continue to do the vital work they do.”
QFES Acting Deputy Commissioner, Joanne Greenfield, said SES volunteers dedicate both work and personal time, often a long way from home, to helping communities in distress.
“They also spend many hours training to ensure they provide a professional and compassionate service our Queensland communities, and for this we thank them.
“These awards acknowledge not only the hard work of our volunteers, but also their families, friends and workplaces who support the SES.
“At QFES we pride ourselves on upholding our values of respect, integrity, courage, loyalty and trust, and the recipients have certainly demonstrated these values in their work.”