

1 June, 2022

Disaster support for Somerset producers

PRIMARY producers and small businesses in the Somerset region can apply for low interest loans to help them recover from recent flood events.

Primary producers and small businesses in the Somerset region can apply for disaster relief funding
Primary producers and small businesses in the Somerset region can apply for disaster relief funding

The assistance is made possible through the joint Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

DRFA low interest loans of up to $250,000 as well as freight subsidies of up to $5,000 for eligible primary producers are now available in Somerset and the Lockyer Valley.

DRFA low interest loans of up to $250,000 are also available for small businesses.

Primary producers can also access freight subsidies of up to $5,000 for the movement of stock, feed, machinery, fuel, water, building and fencing materials.


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