26 April, 2024
Extreme weather in review
The Inspector-General Emergency Management (IGEM) will conduct a review of the significant weather events, relating to the 2023-24 Severe Weather Season.

The review will include the severe storms, tropical cyclones, tropical lows, flooding and bushfires and will also include any other significant weather events that occur prior to the conclusion of the severe weather season.
The review will identify enhancements to ensure continuous improvement in Queensland disaster management arrangements.
Additionally, IGEM will engage with impacted communities and consider the views of community members.
An interim IGEM report is expected by July 30, and the final report is expected by September 30.
Police Minister and State Member for Morayfield, Mark Ryan, said he looked forward to receiving the IGEM report and any recommendations that may accompany it.
“This review will examine Queensland’s responses and practices in relation to the most recent severe weather season to identify any possible improvements in the way we deal with extreme events,” he said.