3 April, 2023
Final set of safety works complete on Caboolture Connection Road
MOTORISTS using Caboolture Connection Road, known locally as King Street and Lower King Street, are getting home sooner and safer after the final set of safety improvement works were completed this month.

A $7.5 million safety package addressing known and potential crash locations on the road have been progressively rolled out over the past five years.
The last two sections of works focused on high-benefit, cost-effect safety treatments at:
Lower King Street between Dux and Charles streets, east of Morayfield Road, and
King Street between Watt Street and Wararba Crescent, west of Morayfield Road.
Improvements included removing right turns across traffic to reduce risk of crashes, adding U-turn facilities, and installing raised islands, wide centre line treatments and on-road bike lanes.
The last two projects started in February and were completed ahead of schedule by delivering them at the same time.
Other upgrades along the road delivered, include:
The Lakes Centre business precinct entrance on King Street
King Street near Devantier Road
King Street between Williams Road and the D’Aguilar Highway
At the George Street and Caboolture Square Shopping Centre intersection on King Street
Lower King Street between Bruce Highway and Dux Street
Sign improvements along King Street and Lower King Street.
State Member for Morayfield Mark Ryan said this is great news for Caboolture, with the work on King Street and Lower King Street finished.
“We have invested significantly to improve safety and reduce crashes along this busy stretch,” Mr Ryan said.
“The U-turn facilities, raised centre medians and wide centre lines that have been installed will go a long way to making the road safer.
“And hats off to the hard-working team from RoadTek who have managed to complete the job months ahead of schedule.
“Road safety is a top priority for the Palaszczuk Government. That’s why the current budget delivers more than $1.5 billion towards targeted road safety initiatives.”
For more information, visit: https://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/projects/caboolture-connection-road-upgrade-signals-and-improve-intersection.