9 May, 2024
Flooding program Somerset
The Somerset region is set to receive $365,000 to further strengthen its flood resilience, with the money being put towards 18 flood warning infrastructure projects, including nine flood cameras in various locations, and two rain and river height gauges near Esk and Mount Stanley.

This includes $235,000 for 16 new Flood Warning Infrastructure Network (FWIN) assets and $130,000 for two high-priority assets identified by the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) assets, as part of the National Flood Warning Infrastructure Network Program.
This money is part of the Federal Government’s $7 million investment in new and upgraded assets for the state’s FWIN.
The investment will deliver 170 projects comprising 260 flood warning infrastructure assets across the 23 councils hardest hit by the 2022 Queensland floods, from Balonne through the south-east to Gladstone.
Projects will address local flood warning needs identified by the council, Queensland’s Department of Transport and Main Roads, and BOM for Australia’s National Flood Warning Infrastructure Network Program (NFWINP).
Councils will supply and install assets funded for their local government area, with BOM to take ownership of the assets for the NFWINP after installation.
More information can be found at