28 July, 2024
Gathering marks the Knights’ return
The Knights of the Southern Cross celebrated a triumphant return to social gatherings with their first post-pandemic function taking place at Trader Dukes in Caboolture, on Saturday, July 13.

The evening’s highlight was a captivating speech by Father John Conway, the newly appointed Parish Priest of Living Waters Parish.
Father John shared poignant reflections on his journey from Ipswich to priesthood, spanning over three decades of service and spiritual leadership.
His engaging anecdotes and warm demeanor resonated deeply with attendees.
The event saw a number of attendees, including local dignitaries like Division 3 Councillor Adam Hain, State Member for Morayfield Mark Ryan, and Federal Member for Longman Terry Young, who contributed to the celebratory atmosphere with generous donations and support.
Scott Lachmund from Richardson and Wrench Real Estate added to the festivities by presenting a $500 check to the Knights, underscoring the community’s solidarity and support for their initiatives.
Irene, a representative of Rosies, also attended, whose presence emphasised the charitable spirit of the evening.
The event concluded with gratitude to all participants for making the Knights’ gathering a resounding success.
Overall, the event served not only as a celebration of community resilience but also as a testament to the Knights’ commitment to fostering fellowship and support within Caboolture.