29 November, 2023
Help fight youth crime
Deb Frecklington MP (Nanango) is encouraging residents in her electorate to have their say on youth crime.

The State Government has convened a committee to discuss the problem of youth crime and is calling for submissions from the public.
Mrs Frecklington said in 2015 the State Government watered down the Youth Justice Act, removing breach of bail as an offence, introducing a provision, which forces the courts and police to put youth offenders in detention only as a last resort, and removing a range of early intervention programs.
“Since then, crime has escalated, impacting Queenslanders every day, and created a generation of hardcore repeat youth off enders who know they are untouchable,” Mrs Frecklington said.
“Now the State Government has convened a committee to discuss the problem it created in 2015.
“I know people want less talk and more action, but with Labor Government MPs calling the youth crime crisis a media beat-up, a media distortion, and only in people’s heads, they need to hear first-hand the impacts of their policies on real Queenslanders.
“If you have experienced the impacts of the youth crime crisis and would like to make a submission to the Inquiry into Youth Justice Reform in Queensland, please get in touch with me or visit Youth Justice Reform Select Committee.
“Together we can force the State Government to finally listen about the impact their youth crime crisis is having on Queenslanders.” Submissions to the Committee close on January 10.