21 March, 2024
Influenza season looms early
Australia could face another early severe influenza season in 2024. The Immunisation Coalition is concerned that Australians may be unprotected, putting themselves at risk, as well as those around them.

Those at the highest risk of serious complications from influenza are children under 5 years, pregnant women, older Australians, Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander people, and those with underlying health conditions.
The National Immunisation Program (NIP) is free for all of those groups and will be available later next month.
Dr Leanne Jones, Immunisation Coalition Board Member, said, “It is time for Australians to arrange their annual influenza vaccination.”
Infants under 5 years are more likely to be hospitalized, so vaccination is free for this group.
It is also free for pregnant women, which covers mum, foetus and the new-born under 6 months.
As of 18 March 2024, national influenza statistics suggest we could be facing our second consecutive early influenza season.