

26 May, 2024

Info session for seniors on advocacy

Somerset seniors are invited to a free morning tea and information session focusing on advocacy and disaster preparedness.

Info session for seniors on advocacy - feature photo

The session will be held on Friday June 14 at the Somerset Civic Centre in Esk starting at 10am.

Somerset Councillor, Michael Bishop, said the information session would provide critical information to seniors in a supportive and inclusive environment.

“The Advocacy and Support Centre (TASC) legal and support service is now funded to help seniors in the region who are at risk of, or are, experiencing abuse,” he said.

“Raising awareness is important for everyone. So many people suffer in silence and the more knowledge that is available to our residents, the more likely we are to reduce its prevalence.”

Disaster preparedness will also be covered during the session.

Council’s Community Development Officer, whose role encompasses connecting residents with a range of community services, will also be available to talk to, at the event.

For catering, attendees must register by June 14 by phoning Council on 5424 4000.


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