4 February, 2024
Linville Rail Trail Trailhead masterplan is approved
Somerset Regional Council has adopted a final concept masterplan for the Linville Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Trailhead, including a camping area, in a meeting last week.

Adoption of the masterplan will allow council officers to finalise detailed designs, before seeking further community consultation and external funding to implement the plan.
Council agreed to jointly fund the development of the masterplan with the Department of Transport and Main Roads in April 2022.
The masterplan incorporates camping area locations, plans for the safe movement of trail users and campers, promoting the historic values of the site and landscaping.
Initial consultation was carried out with the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Steering Committee, which was followed by extensive community consultation, including a drop-in information session and online campaign.
Two formal responses were also received from local organisations.
Support for the concept has been positive and feedback received has been included in the final concept plans.