

24 August, 2023

Make Moreton roads safer: Road Safety Week

EMERGENCY Service crews descended at the BP North service station on the Bruce Highway on Monday to launch Queensland Road Safety Week (QRSW) which runs until this Friday, and raises awareness around road safety.

Make Moreton roads safer: Road Safety Week - feature photo

As of last Sunday, 175 lives were lost in Queensland this year due to road fatalities while Moreton Police District had had 12 fatalities; five more in the Moreton district than at the corresponding time last year.

Senior Constable Jo Arthur said, “For many, the impact of road trauma is far reaching, from losing a loved one to being injured and receiving rehabilitation.

“However, we can all play an important role in reducing and eliminating road crashes.

“QRSW is an opportunity to remind ourselves to drive smarter, be more patient and put safety first.”

Last Sunday, officers from Moreton attended Mt Mee lookout to speak with motorcycle riders who pass through the area each weekend.

Officers from Prevention were there along with Transport and Main Roads Road Safety Officers to provide valuable information to riders on how to make their ride a safe one.

They were also there to promote the “Keep it Upright” motorcycle course in Moreton, which is running until the end of the year.

Also last Sunday, the highway patrols based within the Moreton district conducted a road safety operation.

Officer in Charge of the Deception Bay Highway Patrol, Brett Stevenson, said there were nearly 70 offences detected including speeding, drink driving and drug driving.

“This was a very disappointing result for what was a relatively short time frame,” he said.

Snr Sgt Stevenson urged everyone to take personal responsibility for road safety.

“Our district has a significant number of ongoing and long-term road work projects which can cause impatience among drivers and as a result, lead to crashes in these areas,” he said.

“We ask that you lead by example with road safety, so that we can decrease the number of deaths and injuries on the road.

“Almost all crashes are preventable which is why it is important to show patience and respect for other road users, so that everyone makes it home.”

Queensland Ambulance Service acting director for Moreton District, Antoinette Woods, said it was important for everyone to be aware that road safety awareness was everyone’s responsibility.

“As road users I think we have a priority to look after our communities, and so if we can just pay attention to that and ensure the safety of everyone on our roads, (it) would be fantastic,” she said.

“I think it’s just going back to the basics of road safety, so ensuring we wear our seatbelts, ensuring that we’re not driving with our phones, ensuring that we’re driving to the speed limit, as well as ensuring that we have a safe distance when driving behind other vehicles on the roads.

“I think we really just need to focus on those things, and we’ll get the answers and ensure our people are safe out there.”


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