10 February, 2024
More carers needed to support young locals
For over 22 years, Moreton Bay couple Debbie and Steve Haim have opened their home, their lives and their hearts to over 100 children in need of a safe, warm and caring environment.

As foster carers with Anglicare Southern Queensland, the Haim’s have provided much-needed love and guidance to vulnerable children in the local community, while also caring for their five biological children.
Ms Haim said although fostering could sometimes be difficult, and they have made many sacrifices over the years, the satisfaction and joy in being able to make even a small difference in a child’s life is worth it.
“The first 10 years of being foster carers, our household was full of children. We would have between eight and 10 children in our home, between our biological children, foster children, and neighbour’s children. Our home was like a mini day care centre - very busy and active. But we have lots of fun, with craft and activities, movie nights and lounge room discos,” Ms Haim said.
“My husband and our biological children are very supportive. My husband is actively involved in the day-to-day care of each child, and our biological children would get just as excited as us in welcoming new children into our home, by helping to get their rooms ready or preparing welcome packs. As young adults now, one of our biological children is keen to commence her own journey as a foster carer.
"There are many types of care options available for people interested in becoming a foster carer." - Dustin Bake
“We currently provide long term care for a beautiful two-year-old boy and another four-year-old boy who has complex needs following a traumatic brain injury. We also provide respite care to facilitate a short break to other carers and they have the comfort in knowing that their children will be in a safe and caring environment.
“Additionally, we have become the legal guardians of an 18-year-old, who has been in care with us since the age of five and also has high needs.
“We were never affected by the large number of children we had at one time. It is teamwork and routine that is very important when caring for any number of children.”
Anglicare Southern Queensland’s Children, Youth & Families Service Manager in Caboolture, Dustin Baker said although more people are putting their hands up to become a foster carer, there is an urgent need for more carer families in Moreton Bay.
“When a family is unable to care for their children safely at home, Queenslanders in Moreton Bay are continuing to step up to become foster and kinship carers.
As of 30 June 2023, there were 582 carer families in the Moreton Bay region up from 567 a year ago,” Mr Baker said.
“However, in the same reporting period, there was a total of 1,104 children requiring care in the Moreton Bay area, so we still desperately need more people to consider this fulfilling and rewarding opportunity.
“There are many types of care options available for people interested in becoming a foster carer. From emergency and respite care through to short term care, long term care and kinship care. Our teams work with individuals and families to assess their suitability as a carer and the level of care they can provide. Importantly, all training is provided, along with ongoing support to help carers understand and navigate the journey ahead.
“It doesn’t matter if you’re single or married, older or younger; if you have the passion to make a difference in a child’s life, you could be a foster carer.”
Ms Haim said, while there can be challenges when fostering children, the support from Anglicare is second to none.
“One of the main concerns we’ve had over the years is being scared of getting attached to a child, then parting with them once they are reunified with their family,” she said.
“My advice to people thinking about becoming a carer, is to not let that fear stop you. Instead, focus on the impact you can have on a child while they are in your care.
“As long as you’ve got love, care, compassion, patience and time, you can become a carer. There is extensive training, and it helps to prepare you for just about anything else.
“We’ll keep doing it for as long as we can.”
To learn more about becoming a foster carer, register for an upcoming information session at or call the Caboolture Children, Youth & Families service on 5428 4949.