4 March, 2024
Moreton Bay North burglaries falling
Moreton Bay North has been identified as the region in Queensland with the most drastic decline in home thefts in 2023, with 42% less home theft claims made to RACQ in comparison to 2022.

While Moreton Bay North is in decline, Moreton Bay South is following the state-wide trend of rising home thefts, seeing an 11% increase in claims compared to 2022, according to RACQ Insurance’s home theft claims data for 2023.
Postcodes in Moreton Bay North with the most claims fi led were 4510, 4019 and 4020, while in Moreton Bay South it was 4503, 4035, and 4037.
According to RACQ’s state-wide data, the January-March quarter experienced more claims than any other three-month period, with more theft s occurring on weekdays.
RACQ’s Trent Sayers said there were simple precautions people could take to deter opportunistic theft, including locking doors and windows, not leaving spare keys in obvious spots, and investing in security systems.
“If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having your home broken into, contact local police immediately to report the theft and then contact your insurer,” he said.