10 August, 2023
New allied health hub to open in Woodford on Saturday
Quad Care will unveil its first Community Hub this Saturday with a four-hour grand opening at the Archer Street premises in Woodford.

Attendees can learn about what the hub will offer, while a range of entertainment will also be on offer.
The grand opening will begin at 11am with an Acknowledgment of Country, and a smoking ceremony with Uncle Gene Blow.
Ninghy Ninghy dancers will perform from 11.30am to 11.50am, and then speeches will be followed by ribbon cutting.
The official launch of the Hub at noon will be followed by three hours of activities including information sessions with the allied health team, face painting, cupcake decorating, and flowerpot painting.
Food and drinks will be available throughout the event.
Quad Care formed several years ago and has provided NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) based in-house support.
Quad Care’s founders Dani Creffield and Zac Turnbull developed the company to gain choice and control regarding Zac’s support workers in their home.
For a number of years, Dani and Zac relied on support workers from service providers to care for their family.
The family had no say in who the support workers were and didn’t know their names until they were performing duties in their home.
Dani sought to change this situation so that people had more choice and control over who was in their home, while being able to build authentic connections with the support workers.
Quad Care originated in Woodford, where Dani grew up, and has reached across the Moreton Bay to Burpengary as well as the Somerset-based Kilcoy.
Quad Care’s project coordinator Lilly Hay explained the name ‘Quad Care’ came about as the first word stood for Quality, Unique, Authentic, Diverse.
Lilly said Dani’s experience helped make Quad Care a unique service provider.
“She treats all clients with the respect they deserve,” Lilly said.
“It comes from lived experience.
“She knows how difficult it can be.”
Lilly said the Quad Care staff “go above and beyond for our clients” as all of the staff have experience in this field – in some cases in their personal lives – in addition to being trained in this field.