27 April, 2024
New book focuses on Wamuran
A book titled ‘The Creation Of The National Servicemen’s Memorial Park In Wamuran’ was released following Anzac Day.

Anyone interested in a copy is asked to contact the Wamuran Progress Association (WPAi), which put together spiral-bound copies before arranging to have hard cover copies produced.
The publication includes an array of personal accounts and stories on how the National Servicemen’s Memorial Park came to materialise in Wamuran.
The foreword was written by City of Moreton Bay Mayor Peter Flannery, who was a soldier for 12 years.
The book goes into detail about the background to conscription, before profiles appear of people who were called up.
WPAi chair Phil Lovering said the book had ignited a lot of interest, not just in Wamuran but in the wider region.
“The Association are planning to use the funds raised to gift copies to the local schools as it brings to life the social events of the period, into a real local history,” Mr Lovering said.