21 June, 2023
New-look tennis courts officially opened in Kilcoy
Kilcoy Tennis Club members and the wider community came together on Sunday June 11 to celebrate the opening of the club’s new courts.
About 50 locals enjoyed a hit of social tennis and pickleball in perfect weather.
Somerset councillors Cheryl Gaedtke and Sean Choat performed the official opening, and they spoke about the efforts of the Kilcoy Tennis Club in achieving the new courts.
Cr Gaedtke and Cr Choat also provided a reminder of the importance of local sporting clubs to the community.
Following the opening, the attendees enjoyed cake and a BBQ lunch which the club provided.
There were also three meat raffles, donated by Kilcoy Global Foods.
One of the regular junior tennis players, Daisy Oakroot, won the lucky door prize which was a Wilson tennis racquet.
Kingaroy coach ‘Mr B’ kept the team of eager juniors busy.
Anyone interested in the Kilcoy Tennis Club is reminded that membership allows free daytime use of the courts all- year round.