13 September, 2024
New report tackles veteran suicide
The Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Final Report has been delivered to the Federal Government and tabled in Parliament on September 9.

The Final Report of the Royal Commission is the culmination of three years of inquiry into the suicide crisis in Australia’s Defence and veteran population.
It comprises seven volumes and nine parts – and contains the Commission’s analysis of complex cultural and systemic issues relevant to suicide and suicidality among serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members.
The Final Report also includes 122 recommendations to Government, which form the Royal Commission’s blueprint for real, meaningful and long-lasting reform.
Federal Member for Blair Shayne Neumann said the report was an important body of work, which marked the culmination of the most significant and comprehensive inquiry conducted into suicide in the defence and veteran communities.
As the former Shadow Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel, Mr Neumann strongly supported calls for the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.
“The death by suicide of any Australian, including our veterans and current serving Australian Defence Force members, is a tragedy,” he said.
“Sadly, there is no simple or single solution. However, the final report into the Royal Commission will assist in prioritising the necessary and important work ahead to improve the lives of defence personnel, veterans and families.”
The Royal Commission’s recommendations were centred on the transition of veterans and families including: simplifying and harmonising the claims system, enhancing access to support services, and improving access to information for the families of those who have taken their lives, including in the transition of veterans to civilian life.
“Our priority is ensuring that those who pursue a career in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) have a safe and inclusive workplace and are supported from the time they join, through transition, and after service,” Mr Neumann said.
A support line for serving and ex-serving ADF personnel and their families – Open Arms – is available for free on 1800 011 046 or you can visit
Find the report at www.defenceveteransuicide.