1 September, 2024
New September Condensery exhibit
Somerset residents are invited to the opening of The Condensery’s new exhibitions ‘Soft Pressing’ and ‘Something Blue’ on Saturday, September 14 from 2pm to 4pm.

Artist Simon Degroot’s exhibition ‘Soft Pressing’ is an exhibition that encourages interaction with surfaces that make up the everyday environment.
Simon’s art process consists of ‘frottage’ - using an uneven surface as a basis for rubbing a piece of paper with charcoal.
In the lead up to his exhibition, Simon visited The Condensery in Toogoolawah, taking graphite impressions of the building’s architecture.
This included the original concrete flooring and textured walls, inspiring artworks displayed in the former factory’s gallery space.
Opening concurrently in The Condensery’s Bomb Shelter is ‘Something Blue’ by artist LeAnne Vincent.
She draws parallels between the mating patterns of the male satin bowerbird and people who use online dating, using a complex form of photography, she asks the question: “What if, like the satin bowerbird, we use our belongings to attract a mate?”
The opening event will be catered with locally sourced food and drinks, with RSVP required by Septemeber 12, at https://events.humanitix. com/soft -pressing-andsomething-blue-exhibitionopening/tickets. In addition to these two exhibitions, The Condensery has expanded upon its children and family ‘Creation Station’ activities for ‘Soft Pressing’ and ‘Something Blue’.
Visitors to the gallery are off ered a rare opportunity to ‘make their mark’ directly onto the gallery wall alongside the artworks.
Somerset Councillor and Chair of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee, Kylee Isidro, said that the new exhibition promises a variety of engaging elements.
“Council is excited to showcase the work of Simon Degroot and LeAnne Vincent at The Condensery, and expand on the activities available to children, and integrate these into the new exhibition,” Cr Isidro said.
For more information on the upcoming exhibit, which is on display from 7 September to 17 November, visit The Condensery website at
The Condensery is located on Factory Road, Toogoolawah and is open Wednesday to Sunday 10am to 4pm.