

21 January, 2024

New Zealand art coming to Esk

An exhibition by New Zealand artist Robbie Greer will soon be featured at the Glen Rock Gallery in Esk.

New Zealand artist Robbie Greer.
New Zealand artist Robbie Greer.

Mr Greer, who now lives in the Lockyer Valley, has a unique artistic technique, creating intricate drawings using graphite, before adding a defining touch with ink, a method he refers to as the “platinum finish”.

In his upcoming exhibition at Glen Rock Gallery, titled ‘Bits of This and That’, Mr Greer’s collection will encompass a diverse range.

It will feature segments from his African series, as well as prints extracted from the collaborative book ‘Beyond the Fence: In and Around the Lockyer Valley’, which was written by his partner Anna Hahn.

The book focuses on his drawings of abandoned structures scattered throughout the Valley.

The exhibition will also include coverage of historical buildings found within the Laidley Pioneer Village.


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