15 December, 2022
Parents say new school Park and Go “an accident waiting to happen”
THE newly installed ‘Park and Go’ zone at Delaneys Creek State School (DCSS) has caused an uproar amongst parents, with multiple comments being posted on the Delaneys Creek Community Facebook page regarding its safety and practicality.

DCSS principal, Julianne Mab, said the ‘Park and Go’ zone, which was officially opened on November 21, aimed to reduce car park congestion and reduce the need for students to cross the road.
However, recent comments from parents on social media suggested the new ‘Park and Go’ system was “an accident waiting to happen”.
One person said they “nearly cleaned up someone” attempting to turn right onto Mt Mee Rd because their view was obstructed by other vehicles turning left and queuing onto Mt Mee Rd.
Moreton Bay Mayor, Peter Flannery, said the new facility was constructed following calls from the P and C for an upgrade, which Council was happy to deliver for them.
“The current upgrade is the first stage of a two-stage approach to accommodate future enrolments as the school grows,” Cr Flannery said.
“I understand there have been some initial teething issues, which is to be expected when there are these kinds of infrastructure changes.
“The ‘Park and Go’ zone is well planned, but in order for it to operate safely and efficiently parents cannot use it as a parking bay. This creates queues back out to the road.
“If you’re a parent who arrives at school early for pick-up, don’t park at the front and wait for your kids to come out, there are plenty of spare parking bays available in the car park area.
“We need to keep traffic moving through the new dedicated pick-up and drop- off zone.”
Cr Tony Latter said he has been speaking with teachers and staff about training to help the ‘Park and Go’ zone keep moving properly.