20 June, 2024
Playitt fun in Woodford
The shortest day of 2024 is less than a week away and there’s more cold to come, but it’s not evident at the Woodford Bowls Club on Thursday evenings, where the atmosphere is warm and welcoming in the company of music devotees of all genres.

A big happy bunch of loyal music fans attended Playitt on June 13. Bill, Norm, Mike, Peter and Chas were the foundation band of the evening and got the ball rolling with a great vocal mix.
Lots of easy listening this week with regular entertainers offering gems from such household names as Sinatra, Orbison, Etta James, The Seekers, Dean Martin, Chris Isaak et al.
The theme for this month is BOOTS! It’s on the 27th, so not long to go; rustle around in the shed or the wardrobe, find your R.M.s, Nikes, hobnails, strappy sandals, wellies, Redbacks etc. and doll ’em up or down for the big boot event; could be a prize or two!
If you visit Woodford Show next Saturday, have a listen to the live music line-up including the own Playitt band, the Plumbdogs and four other local bands all day!