30 September, 2023
Potential school site sparks interest
FIVE expressions of interest have been received from education providers to establish a college or school on a site at Brouff Road in Fernvale.

Council invited submissions following a decision at Council’s meeting on 7 June 2023 to pursue interest in developing an educational facility on the site.
Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee member Councillor Bob Whalley said the presence of a school or college on the Fernvale site could have a very positive impact on the region.
“The establishment of an independent school in Somerset would deliver huge benefits to our region and we need to be sure we are in the best position to support such a development.
“Attracting families to rural and regional areas is very much dependant on the facilities and opportunities for both parents and their children, and this development has the potential to address the needs of families who value private schooling options.
“Before we take the next step, Council needs to understand what it will cost us for infrastructure before entering into any agreements. A detailed analysis of what Council will be liable for is essential for this,” Cr Whalley said.
Council will now investigate the costs associated with implementing infrastructure including electricity, roads, water supply, footpaths, bus and vehicle drop offs among others. Understanding the costs will determine what contributions Somerset Regional Council will be responsible for.