10 May, 2023
Register your pet, or risk being fined
Moreton Bay Regional Council’s Systematic Inspection Program of unregistered cats and dogs will continue next financial year, with Council today approving four more inspection programs through to June 2024.
In this current financial year alone, 17,317 new cats and dogs were registered between July 1 2022 and March 22 2023. This is a 55% increase when compared to registrations for the same period in 2021-22.
Acting Mayor Jodie Shipway said the results speak for themselves.
“While the majority of cat and dog owners in Moreton Bay are responsible for their pets, there is a likelihood of a significant number of owners across the region who have not registered their cat and/or dog at all,” she said.
“It’s important that we closely monitor our cat population and ensure people take responsibility for their pets, so they don’t escape and become a threat to native animals.
“That’s why we need a programmed approach to the registration of cats and dogs to ensure pet owners don’t become complacent - this would diminish Council’s capacity to address issues relating to the keeping of cat and dogs in our region.”
There are many benefits of cat and dog registration including:
Lost and found service - when your pet is registered we can re-unite it with you quickly.
If you are home, our Rangers will return it to you provided it has not been impounded previously. Also, there is a free of charge first time release if you are not at home.
Proof of ownership identification system.
Assists in the resolution of nuisances from cats and dogs as Council Officers can identify owners.
Cr Shipway said the biggest help of all Council gets is from all the wonderful pet owners out there who are doing the right thing.
“So I want to thank you for doing your part,” she said.
There will be four inspection programs which will start and finish as follows:
Program 1: July 1 2023 to September 30 2023;
Program 2: October 1 2023 to December 15 2023;
Program 3: January 8 2024 to March 31 2024; and
Program 4: April 1 2024 to June 30 2024.
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