24 August, 2023
Rugby league rep speaker at chaplaincy dinner
THE annual Kilcoy-based Chaplaincy Fundraising Dinner will take place at the Kilcoy Bowls Club on Saturday, September 2.

The dinner will benefit chaplaincy in Kilcoy schools, as funds are required to support the employment of Kilcoy-based school chaplains Peter Robertson and Kelly Croft.
The guest speaker will be Jordan Meads, who captained Greece at last year’s rugby league World Cup in England after the tournament was delayed 12 months due to covid.
Another speaker will be Mt Kilcoy State School principal Ellen Mead, and once again the compère will be Scripture Union Queensland field development manager Julie Hose.
Again there will be a two-course dinner provided by the volunteers at the bowls club, and another recurring feature will be a local band providing entertainment.
Raffles will include a variety of prizes as usual.
Proceedings will start at 5.30pm.
Bookings can be made at