14 November, 2023
Suburbs in need of bus funding
A recent report issued by the McKell Institute Queensland has now confirmed south-east Queensland’s outer suburbs are missing out on vital public transport investment.

The new research has found just under 99 per cent of money spent on south east Queensland public transport projects is going into mega projects (projects that cost $1 billion or more) and all mega projects are focused on innercity areas and the Brisbane-Gold Coast Corridor.
McKell Institute Queensland executive director Sarah Mawhinney said more needs to be done to ensure the benefits of public transport are being spread fairly.
“High population growth areas outside of inner-city Brisbane are being all but ignored,” Mrs Mawhinney said.
“Given the high cost of building rail, the most efficient way to boost public transport accessibility in the outer suburbs is through stronger investment in bus services. However, in order to provide reliable bus services the state government will need to raise the wages and improve employment conditions of bus operators.”