24 May, 2024
Toogoolawah High School goes blue for Dolly
Toogoolawah State High School (TSHS) had a distinct blue-coloured look on Friday May 10, as staff and students took part in ‘Do It For Dolly Day’.

TSHS raised about $300 for the Dolly’s Dream foundation, with the event having arisen after a 14-year-old Australian known as ‘Dolly’ tragically took her own life in 2018 after being subjected to repeated cyberbullying.
TSHS’s event organisers created a ‘blue-yourself’ stand, according to the colour associated with the nationwide fundraising event.
Blue hairspray and glitter spray were offered, as well as make-up options including a cut-out ‘Do It For Dolly’ butterfly which was used as a stencil for face or body application.
One of the students, Tilly White, dressed up in blue from head to toe while wearing a striking blue wig.
TSHS teacher and event co-organiser Carla Cerchi said there were some fantastic dressed students from each grade, all in support of ‘Do It For Dolly’ and bullying awareness.
“The students from the Certificate II in Healthcare Services organised the day with only a day’s notice (with support from the School Student Council),” she said.
“The girls did an exceptional job in sorting out the activities and promoting the day at short notice, based on their strong belief in the importance of the day/ mental health as part of ‘health services’.”