21 March, 2024
$2K raised for chaplaincy
The annual chaplaincy golfing fundraiser at the Kilcoy Golf club raised about $2,000 last Friday, with proceeds aiding chaplaincy at Mt Kilcoy State School.

The winning team comprised Neil Maddison, Craig Oldaker, Saxon Oldaker and Andrew Triggs, as 13 golfers competed in the 18-hole 4-ball Ambrose.
Six players returned from last year’s event, including four from ANZ business banking; the former workplace of Mt Kilcoy-based chaplain Peter Robertson (aka Chappy Pete).
Many of last Friday’s attendees enjoyed a lunch at the clubhouse, before a hit of golf was followed by a presentation.
Gym vouchers were raff led, and the first place-getters received meat trays, while the runners-up received bottles of red wine.
Funds raised included donations from supporters unable to attend, as the total funds and number of golfers was down from last year’s inaugural event.
Chappy Pete said he would look at changes for next year’s event, as he hoped for a bigger turnout than this year.