25 April, 2024
Young vs O’Brien
Terry Young MP Federal Member for Longman and Million Moves representative for Moreton Bay and the Electorate of Longman has laid down the fitness gauntlet to his neighbouring politicians, all in the name of getting the community moving.
Mr Young taunted Ted O’Brien (Federal Member for Fairfax) in a recent gym session, that the challenge is more about exercise than sipping lattes overlooking the beach break.
It wasn’t just Mr O’Brien that Mr Young has in his sights for putting forth the MM challenge, but the entire Sunshine Coast region.
Determined to make the electorate of Longman and the Moreton Bay region on top for the Million Moves Challenge, he is putting out a call for assistance to reach the million milestone first.
The aim of the campaign is to get the community moving so that they feel better, and they can win prizes in the process!
For 21 days starting on May 1, people of all ages living in the electorates of Fisher, Fairfax, Wide Bay and Longman are invited to join the challenge and complete 75 moves a day to help their electorate reach the million milestone first.
Research shows 75% of Australians don’t get the required amount of physical exercise a day.
Million Moves aims to highlight this statistic, and break it, by promoting 75 moves a day over three weeks – the time is takes to from a new routine.
Mr Young said the Million Moves was about promoting physical activity to help improve overall health and wellbeing.
“Health and exercise is such a good preventative measure, when it comes to health, both mental and physical, so let’s get off the couch and get into it!” Mr Young said.
“I’ll be getting out with the people from dragon boats on Bribie and going for a paddle and just doing a few simple things like doing a few star jumps or push ups each day.
It all makes a difference, so I encourage everyone, get involved, it is going to be a great initiative.”
To help AUSactive reach the Million Moves target officially, don’t forget to make your pledge to take part, it’s FREE!
You can register here: For more information on Million Moves and the range of local businesses involved plus what they are offering, visit